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Adding Emphasis to Your Sentences with 기는 하다

안녕하세요! My name is Jacob, from America (미국). Today I'll be teaching you an amazing way to improve your Korean sentences.

To start, let's learn the conjugation of this grammar form.

Simply take a verb stem (for this example I'll be using 공부하다, to study) and add it to 기는. You'll conjugate the 하다 after 기는 in different ways, shown in the examples below.

I believe the best way to teach this form is by showing examples, but I'll provide extra context at the end.

제가 공부하기는 했지만 얼마 안 배웠어요...

I DID study, but I didn't learn much...

그 사람이 잠을 자기는 했는데 아주 피곤한가 봐요.

They DID sleep but they still seem very tired.

먹기는 먹었어. 영상을 그저 봐.

I DID eat. Just look at the video.

As you can see, it adds the same feeling as giving extra emphasis to a word in English.

The verb before 기는 will always be conjugated the same way, but you may conjugate the 하다 after accordingly.

Thank you for reading! ^-^

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15 avr. 2022

Can it also be used formally?


09 avr. 2022

I actually really love this grammar point in english, so I think I'm gonna start using it also in korean. Thank you for this information.

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