About The Spring
Fling Community Challenge
Welcome to Koreanstudyjunkie's New Study Challenge For May 2022 - The Spring Fling Community Event! This challenge encourages you to use your creativity to make something unique. You create your own specialized "spring" based pdf and It can be as simple as a vocabulary book, a picture-book or more complex ideas like grammar lessons or quiz booklets. Almost anything you can think of can be submitted as an entry! To give you more Ideas: Comic books, Lessons, Templates, Handwriting Guides, Hangul-based Practices, Vocabulary Quizzes, Phrase Books, Word Searches, Story Book, Etc.
How Does This Challenge Work? What Do I Do?
This challenge is kind of like a show and tell or a talent show, but don't worry about that. You can enter anonymously or under a fake name. I will present you with 2 or 3 different templates (using Canva) and you'll choose a template to create your own unique thing. You can also ditch the templates entirely and start fresh to create your own thing.
The theme is 'Spring' and your creation should aim to be based around spring. For example: nature, flowers, spring words, grammar lessons with example sentences that are based around spring, or just spring colors (think bright or pastel colors), even just using images or elements of spring things like bees, flowers, cherry blossoms, etc. Feel free to get as creative as you want. You can be subtle or not so subtle when it comes to the Spring theme.
This isn't the only thing included in this challenge. There will also be a few fun community activities presented throughout. I am thinking of things still but maybe we can start a temporary club where we watch an episode of a k-drama and then talk about it, or make a group chat where we all practice speaking in Korean, or make a community playlist of our favorite songs, we can try matching up people and finding study partners. The purpose is to become a closer community and get to know each other better. We'll play fun and interesting little games too! Doesn't it sound great?
Why Participate In This Challenge?
This challenge is fun and unlike any other Korean study challenge you've probably ever done before. Not only will you learn new things from other people participating and possibly make new friends/study partners, but you'll take those things that you learned and create something from it. "Teaching" someone else is a less popular study method, but it allows you to test your knowledge on a deeper level - If you can explain it to someone else then it shows you have a deeper understanding of the material. Also you are creating things for other Korean learners to use in their studies. I'm hoping this challenge will help bring our community closer together.
Are There Winners? How Do I Win?
There are winners in this challenge. You will submit your version of the Spring learning materials and as they are approved and uploaded on the Digital Community Challenge. I'll show off each submission on my Instagram story and do a poll to have people rate it. The submissions with the highest rating will win. (the amount of winners is still to be determined)
Is There A Prize?
I am still figuring out the prize situation. I am thinking about putting the winner's PDF on my store and letting them get a percentage of all the sales OR I am thinking about letting the winner collaborate with me on my next book. Possibly some other exciting things, I will update this part of the website as the challenge becomes popular. There are many possibilities and I will have my answer before May ends. There will be more than 1 winner!
How Can I Join In? When Does It Start?
Official start date: May 12th, 2022 | Official end date: May 31st, 2022.
You can start early and begin working on your creations using Canva (this will take you to the website) It's free to use - In fact I have never paid for it and I use it to make my posts and books. Visit the 'Digital Community Library' to submit your creations. More templates are coming soon! You can use them to create something for the challenge.