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Heungbu and Nolbu Korean Fairytale - 흥부와 놀부 이야기

안녕하세요 리더님! Koreanstudyjunkie입니다~ Today's post is a Korean fairytale about 2 brothers Heungbu and Nolbu.

Heungbu, the younger brother is kind while Nolbu, the older brother, is cruel. After their parents death Nolbu kicks Heungbu out of the house and ignores him when asked for help. In the story Nolbu learns what it means to be compassionate and generous. 

I have added a few vocabulary lists for a couple paragraphs.


옛날에 흥부와 놀부라는 두 형제가 살고 있었어요. 동생인 흥부는 마음씨가 착했는데, 형인 놀부는 욕심이 많은 심술꾸러기였어요. 놀부는 항상 궁리를 하였죠. “오늘은 어떤 일로 사람들을 골려 주시?”

Once upon a time there were two brothers, Heungbu and Nolbu. The younger brother Heungbu had a kind heart, but the older brother Nolbu was very greedy and crancky. Nolbu was always planning. “How can I play tricks on people today?”

Vocab List:

~ 형제 - siblings

~ 마음씨 - temper (heart and feelings)

~ 착하다 - to be kind

~ 욕심 - desire, greed

~ 심술꾸러기 - ill-natured person, mean person

~ 궁리하다 - deliberate, think deeply about many things

~ 골리다 - play a joke on, play a trick on

‘장독을 새총으로 깨뜨리기’, ‘우는 아이 때리기’, ‘호박에다 말뚝박기’, ‘다 된 밥에 재 뿌리기’ ……. 놀부의 심술은 날마다 더하여 부무님은 항상 걱정이었어요.

‘Use a slingshot to break pots’, ‘hit a crying baby’, ‘pile drive all of the pumpkins’, ‘Spoil something when all is going well’.... Nolbu’s grumpyness got worse everyday, which made his parents always worried.

Vocab List:

~ 장독 - A dok, a traditional Korean earthenware crock or jar, used for making or keeping soy sauce, bean paste, hot pepper paste, etc.

~ 새총 - slingshot

~ 깨드리다 - break, smash

~ 때리다 - to hit

~ 호박 - pumpkin

~ 말뚝을 박다 - drive in a stake[post]

~ 뿌리다 - be the reason; be the one who causes

~ 심술 - bad temper

~ 날마다 - everyday

~ 항상 - always

~ 걱정 - worry

하지만 흥부는 착한 일을 하여 칭찬받을 때가 많았어요. 그래서 놀부는 흥부를 더욱 미워하였어요. 둘은 자라서 어른이 되었고, 결혼을 하였습니다. 놀부는 자식이 하나였는데, 흥부는 자식이 많았어요.

But, Heungbu’s kind work received a lot of praise. So Nolbu hated Heungbo more. Time passed and they grew up into adults, and they married. Nolbu had one child, but Heungbu had many.

Vocab List:

~ 칭찬 - conpliments, praise

~ 더욱 - more and more

~ 밉다 - to hate, despise

~ 자르다 - to grow up (kids, plants)

~ 어른 - adult

~ 결혼하다 - to get married

~ 자식 - kid, child

~ 하나 - one

~ 많다 - a lot, many

놀부는 밥을 먹을 때마다 흥부를 구박하였어요. “흥부야, 네 아이들 때문에 우리 집 양식 다 떨어지겠다, 이놈아.” 그러던 어느 날, 부모님이 돌아가셨어요. “흥부야! 이제부터 우리 집 재산은 모두 내 것이다. 그러니 너는 네 가족을 데리고 당장 나가거라!” “갑자기 그러시면 저 어린 것들을 데리고 어떻게…….”

Every time while they were eating, Nolbu assaulted Heungbu. “Heungbu, Because of your kids all of our food will run out, this man.” One day, Heunbu and Nolbu’s parents passed away. “Heungbu! From now on all of our house’s property is mine. So take your family and get out right now!”

“If you say such things so suddenly, how can I manage with my little children... .”

Vocab List:

~ 구박 - abuse, harassment

~ 양식 - western food

~ 떨어지다 - to run out of

~ 이제부터 - from now on

~ 재산 - asset, property

~ 모두 - everything, all

~ 내 것 - my things, mine

흥부의 가족은 먹을 양식도 없이 쫓겨났어요. “여보! 어떻게 이럴 수가 있어요?” “다 내가 못난 탓이오.” “아버지! 이제 우리는 어디로 가는 거예요?”

Heungbu’s family was expelled from the house without any food. “Dear! How can this be?” “This is all my fault” “Father! Where will we go now?”

Vocab List:

~ 가족 - family

~ 없이 - without

~ 쫓겨나다 - to get kicked out

~ 여보 - dear, honey

~ 어떻게 - how

흥부의 가족은 어느 하름한 빈집에서 남의 집 일을 해 주며 어렵게 살아갔어요. 그런데 올해는 흉년이 들어 흥부의 가족은 먹을 것이 없었어요. “배가 고파요! 흑흑흑…….” 흥부는 아이들이 불쌍해서 놀부를 찾아갔어요.

Heungbu’s family went to a shabby looking empty house, and worked for others living difficultly. But this year a famine came and Heungbu’s family had nothing to eat. “I’m hungry!” Because Heungbu felt sorry for his children he went to go find Nolbu.

“형님! 그동안 평안하셨습니까? 못난 동생이 약식을 얻으러 왔습니다.” 동생이라구? 난 너같은 동생 둔 적이 없어. 썩 나가지 못해!” “아이구! 형님 다음에 꼭 갚을게요.” 흥부가 계속 사장하자 놀부는 몽둥이로 흥부를 때렸어요.

“Brother! Have you been well? Your foolish little brother has come to get food.” “Brother? I don’t have any brother like you. Leave right now!” “Oh dear, brother I will pay you back next time.” As Heungbu kept begging, Nolbu took a bat and hit Heungbu.

흥부는 할 수 없이 돌아서 나오다 부엌으로 갔어요. “형수님! 밥 한 그릇만 주세요.” “아침부터 웬 거지야? 옛다, 밥!” 놀부의 아내는 밥을 푸던 주걱으로 흥부의 뺨을 때렸어요.  “형수님, 밥알을 좀 더 묻혀서 이 쪽도 때려 주세요.” “아니, 뭐야?” 놀부의 아내는 밥알을 싹 딱아내고 흥부의 다른 쪽 뺨을 때렸어요.

While the helpless Heungbu turned around, he came out and stopped by the kitchen. “Sister-in-law please give me one container of rice.” “What the heck is the begger from this morning doing here? Here you are, rice!” Nolbu’s wife hit Heungbu’s cheek with the rice spatula. “Sister-in-law, I need more rice so please put some more rice on the spatula and hit me on the cheek.” “What the hell?” She wiped the rice off the spatula and hit im on the other side of the cheek.

흥부는 힘없이 집으로 돌아왔어요. 그 모습을 보고 아이들은 울음을 터뜨렸어요. “아앙~ 아버지가 빈손으로 왔어요! …….” 그렇게 힘든 한 해를 보내고 새봄을 맞이하였어요.

Heungbu, with no strength, returned home. Looking at his expression the children cried. “Waha, Father returned empty-handed!... .” They spent a hard time like that and then a new spring came.

제비들이 흥부의 집 처마에다 둥지를 짓자 흥부는 판자를 대 주었어요. 둥지에서는 새끼들이 자라고 있었어요. 하루는 제비들이 자지러지게 울었어요. 둥지를 보니 커다란 구렁이가 제비들을 잡아먹으려 하고 있었어요. “에잇!” 흥부가 막대기로 구렁이를 쫓아 주었어요.

Swallows had made a nest in Heungbu’s house’s eaves, and Heungbu put a plank to secure the nest. There were baby swallows living in the nest. One day the baby swallows living in the nest were crying. Looking at the nest, there was a big snake grabbing onto the baby swallows in order to eat them. “Hey!” Heungbu batted away the snake with a rod. 

그 때, 제비 한 마리가 둥지에서 떨어졌어요. “저런! 다리가 부러졌어!” 흥부의 자족은 제비의 다리를 정성껏 치료해 주었습니다. 며칠이 지나자 제비는 하늘을 잘 날 수 있게 되었어요.

At that time, one of the swallows fell from the nest. “Oh, the swallow’s leg is broken!” Heungbu’s family sincerely gave treatment to the swallow. Some days later the swallow could fly in the sky again.

가을이 되자 제비들은 강남으로 날아갔어요. 흥부네 제비는 그동안의 일을 제비 나라의 임금님께 말씀드렸어요. “오오! 정말 고마운 분들이군! 은혜를 꼭 갚도록 하여라!”

When it became fall, the swallows flew to Gangnam. The swallow who was at Heungbu’s house told the whole story to the swallow country’s king. “AwAw! These must be really good people. You should repay the favor they did for you right away!”

다시 봄이 되자 제비들이 날아왔어요. “지지배배 지지배배” 제비 한 마리가 흥부의 가족 앞에 박씨 하나를 떨어뜨렸어요. “어머! 제비가 박씨를 물고 왔어요!” 흥부의 가족은 이상히 여기며 박씨를 잘 심었어요.

When it became spring again, the swallows flew back. “Chirp Chirp” one of the swallows dropped a seed infront of Heungbu’s family. “Oh dear! The swallow came holding a seed in it’s mouth!” Heungbu’s family was surprised and planted the seed.

어느새 박씨는 싹이 트고, 하루하루가 다르게 자라서 넝쿨이 온 지붕을 덮고 둥그린 박이 열렸어요. “여보! 저 박 좀 봐요. 너무 탐스러워요.” “그렇군요. 오늘은 박을 한번 타 봅시다.” 흥부가 박 세 덩이를 따 와서 톱질을 사작하였어요.

Before they knew it, the seed sprouted, and each day as it was growing bigger and bigger. The vine covered the roof and the round gourd opened. “Honey! Look at that gourd. It's very ripe.” “I see. Today lets get look at the gourds.” Heungbu picked three gourds and started to saw them.

“톱질하세 톱실하세 슬근슬근 톱질하세.” 순가, 신기한 일을 벌어졌어요. “어머! 박 속에서 쌀이?” “와아! 쌀이다.” 두 번째 박에서는 금은보화가 나왔어요.

“Saw, saw, let’s saw.” At that moment, a strange thing happened. “Oh dear! Inside the gourd is rice?” “Aha! It’s rice.” In the second gourd, treasures appeared from inside of it.

세 번째 박에서는  비단이 쏟아져 나왔어요. “어어! 어떻게 이런 일이? …….” 흥부의 가족은 순식간에 부자가 되었어요. 흥부는 동네의 가난한 사람들에게 쌀을 나눠 주고 금은보화와비단을 팔아서 좋은 집도 지었어요.

In the third gourd, silk poured out from inside. “Oh oh! How can this happen?... .” Heungbu’s family instantly became wealthy. In Heungbu’s neighborhood, his family divided out rice to the poor, sold the treasures and silk, and used that money to build a house.

그 소식을 듣고 놀부가 찾아왔어요. “흥부야! 이리 나와봐라!” “형님. 그동안 평안하셨는지요?” “평안이고 뭐고 너 어디서 도둑질했어?” “형님, 제가 어떻게 도둑질을 하겠어요. 사실은…….”

Nolbu heard this news and came to find Heungbu. “Heungbu! Come and see me!” “Brother. Have you been well during this time?” “Well, and where did you steal this stuff from?” “Brother, how could I steal? The truth is... .”

흥부는 모든 얘기를 해 주었어요. “정말 그랬단말이지? 알겠다. 이놈아.” 놀부가 가려는데 흥부가 불렀어요. “형님! 이 금은보화와비단을 가지고 가십시오.” “암! 그래야지.”

Heungbu told him the whole story. “Is it really like you said? I get it man.” Nolbu was leaving but Heungbu called out, “Brother! Take these treasures and this silk with you as you go.” “Sure! I will”

이듬해 봄이 되어 놀부의 집에도 제비들이 날아와 둥지를 지었어요. 놀부는 제비의 둥지만 지켜보고 있었어요. “저놈의 제비가 떨어져 다리가 부러져야 하는데…….” 기다리다 못한 놀부는 제비의 다리를 일부러 부러뜨렸어요. “째액! 째액!” “여보! 얼른 약와 헝겊을 가져오시오.” “호호호, 우리도 이제 부자가 되겠군요.” “제비야. 강남 갔다올 때 박씨 하나만 물고 오너라.”

In the following year, it became spring and the swallows also flew to Nolbu’s house and made a nest. Nolbu only was watching the swallow’s nest. “That guy’s swallow, that swallow should fall down and break its leg... .” Nolbu who couldn't wait, broke the swallow’s leg on purpose. “Chirp! Chirp!” “Honey! Quickly bring the medicine and bandages.” “Hahaha we will also become rich.” “Swallow. Bring us back one seed from Gangnam.”

이듬해 봄, 강남 갔던 제비가 돌아왔어요. 놀부의 집에도 박씨 하나를 물어다 주었어요. 놀부는 박씨를 심고 잘 가꾸었어요. 박 넝쿨은 무럭무럭 자라서 박이 탐스럽게 열렸어요. 놀부는 박 세 덩이를 따 와서 타기 시작하였어요. “톱질하세 톱질하세 금은보봐 많이 나와라!”

The next year’s spring, the swallow who went to Gangnam came back. They also brought one seed to Nolbu’s house too. Nolbu planted the seed and it grew. While the vines grew rapidly the gourds became ripe and desirable. Nolbu picked three gourds and started sawing. “Saw, saw, saw, lots of treasure come out!”

  (뚜욱! 쾅!) “으악! 이게 뭐야? 사-사람살려!” “네 이놈! 네 잘못을 네가 알렸다!” “아이구! 무슨 말씀을 하시는 건지?” 놀부의 박에서 나온 도깨비들은 놀부를 마구 대리고 도깨비방망이로 놀부의 집과 재물을 다 없애 버렸어요. “아이구! 나는 망했네.”

(Thump! Bang!) “Ack! What is this? S-Someone help!” “Yes, you! I know what you’ve done wrong!” “Oh no! What is this that you’re talking about?” Goblins that came out of Nolbu’s gourd violently beat him and with a magic club destroyed Nolbu’s house and property all together.

놀부의 가족은 초라한 모습으로 흥부를 찾아갔어 요. “흥부야! 흑흑흑…….” “형님! 이게 어찌 된 일입니까?” 놀부는 울면서 모든 이야기를 하였어요. “걱정마세요. 형님, 저희 집에서 함께 살아요.” “흥부야! 그동안 내가 나빴어. 용서하다오. 흑흑흑…….”

With a shabby apperance, Nolbu’s family went to find Heungbu. “Heungbu!” “Brother! What happened?” While crying Nolbu told Heungbu the whole story. “Don’t worry. Brother, come live together in our house.” “Heungbu! I was wrong all this time. Please forgive me.”

그 이후로 놀부는 착한 사람이 되어 흥부의 가족과 잘 살았습니다.

Since then Nolbu became a kind person and he lived with Heungbu’s family happily ever after.


Thanks for reading this story!

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