어디 있어요? vs 어디예요?
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did you know there is a difference between 어디 있어요? and 어디예요? This post will help you learn the difference and when to use them!
Sep 164 min read
Korean Dialogue for Reading | Concept of Jeong (정/情)
A Korean dialogue for intermediate level learners. This dialogue is about a Korean woman and a foreigner who end up having a deep conver..
3,472 views1 comment
Sep 133 min read
걱정되다 vs. 걱정하다 vs. 걱정이다: Which One Should You Use When You're Worried in Korean?
Korean learners often find themselves scratching their heads over the differences between 걱정되다, 걱정하다, and 걱정이다. But don't worry—I've got you
283 views4 comments
Sep 94 min read
Reading Practice | A Day in the Life of Jiho
This story covers Jiho's daily life from morning to night. A great way to get useful daily vocab that you can actually use in everyday..
3,440 views1 comment
Sep 92 min read
Hobbies in Korean -- 40+ Fun and Creative Hobbies
Let's start learning about hobbies in Korean! Types of sports, types of crafty hobbies, music-related hobbies, cooking, baking and more..
208 views2 comments
Aug 52 min read
A Visit to a Hospital | Korean Dialogue Reading Practice
Korean that is used in Korean doctor’s offices and in visits to the doctor - presented in the form of a dialogubeween a doctor an patient
1,602 views0 comments
Jul 151 min read
쉬어요 vs 쉬워요
One is a verb and one is an adjective / descriptive verb.
One is a regular verb and one is irregular verb. Therefore, the conjugation is
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Jul 122 min read
~지/죠 Lesson
In Korean, ~지 and ~죠 are used to turn a statement into questions, basically to confirm information or to imply that the speaker expects..
193 views0 comments
Jul 82 min read
잊어버리다 vs 깜빡하다 vs 까먹다 | "Forget" in Korean
"잊어버리다" can also be interpreted as "to lose" and it is commonly used when a person forgets something for good or for a relatively longer per
596 views0 comments
Jul 52 min read
Natural Disaster Words in Korean
Natural disaster - 자연 재해
Earthquake - 지진
Volcano eruption - 화산 폭발
Landslide, Avalanche - 산사태
Famine - 기근
Drought - 가뭄
70 views0 comments
Jul 42 min read
Korean Gym Vocabulary: Essential Words and Phrases
Equipment, workout types, and other essential vocab in Korean to fit a healthy lifestyle. Try following with Korean workout videos!
469 views1 comment
Jun 262 min read
Gardening words in Korean | Korean trees and plants vocab
A big list of words about gardening and gardening tools in Korean. Also a list of different trees and flower names.
98 views0 comments
Jun 212 min read
제 vs 내 vs 우리 | why do Koreans use 우리 instead of "my"?
In Summary, when you and you ALONE are in "possession" of something or someone, you can use "my". Once it's not just yours, you use 우리 inste
468 views1 comment
Jun 192 min read
Planet Names in Korean | Space Korean Vocab
A list of not only planets but space ralated vocabulary words in Korean. 태양계 - solar system | 외계인 - alien |천문학 - astronomer | 우주 비행사 - astro
145 views0 comments
Jun 53 min read
Irregular Korean Verbs
A list of all the ㅂ, ㅡ, ㅅ, 르, ㅎ, ㄹ Irregular verbs
307 views0 comments
May 241 min read
주방 vs 부엌 | "Kitchen" in Korean
Both 주방 and 부엌 mean "Kitchen", however one is used for restaurants more often and one is used for kitchens in a person's home
76 views0 comments
May 193 min read
또 vs 다시 | How to say "again" in Korean
다시 and 또 both are translated as "again", however the give off completely different feeings. 다시 can have a negative association with it and h
115 views1 comment
May 174 min read
Birds in Korean
A list of different birds: swans, turkeys, vultures, and more
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May 131 min read
Sports in Korean
A list of sports in Korean
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