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이 vs 이거 vs 이것 | 이, 그, 저 Lesson

안녕하세요 리더님! Koreanstudyjunkie입니다~

Today, I'll explain the difference between 이, 그, 저 AND 이것, 그것, 저것.

Let's first start with another group of words often confused: 여기, 거기, and 저기.

여기 - here

거기 - there (near to the person you‘re talking to, but far from you)


저기 - over there (far from both the speaker and listener)

Example Dialogue:

가: 너 내 펜 봤어?

A: Have you seen my pen?

나: 응, 저기 있어.

B: Yes, it’s over there.

Example Sentences:

거기까지 얼마나 더 가야 돼요?

How much farther is it until there?

거기에 사람들이 얼마나 많았어요?

How many people were there?

여기가 제가 일하는 곳입니다.

Here is the place that I work.

저는 어제 여기에 도착했어요.

I arrived here yesterday.

여기, 이 휴지로 눈물 닦아.

Here, dry your tears with this tissue.

These words can function as nouns, and adjectives as well.


여기는 한국입니다.

Here is Korea.

저기에는 지하철 역이 없습니다.

There is no subway station over there.

If they are used in conjunction with the verbs 가다 – to go, or 오다 – to come, the direction particle or location particle, 에(서) is attached to these words.

여기에서 술 마셨어.

I drank here.

저기에 갔어요.

She went over there.

이, 그, 저 Explanation:

Here are some demonstrative pronouns :

이 = This (near speaker)

그 = That (near the other person/listener)

저 = That (over there; far away from both speaker and listener)

In Korean, 이, 그, and 저 can only work as modifiers (e.g. this car is mine; instead of this is my car).

Basically it means these words describes the noun directly in front of it.

This person is my friend.

= 이 사람은 제 친구예요. (O)

This is my friend.

= 이는 제 친구예요. (X)


이 차 - this car

이 차는 제 것이에요. - this car is mine.

이 영화를 보고 싶어요. - I want to watch this movie.

이 피자가 맛있어요. - this pizza is delicious.

그 식당 - that restaurant

그 식당에 갔어요. - we went to that restaurant

그 집에 살고 있어요. - I live in that house.

저 사람 - that person over there

저 사람은 제 친구예요. - That person (over there) is my friend.

저 카페를 알아요? - Do you know that cafe over there?

이것, 그것, 저것 Explanation:

To use 이, 그, and 저 as pronouns (e.g. this is my car), 거/것 (thing) needs to be added after these words.

이 + 것 = 이것 = This thing.

그+ 것 = 그것 = That thing.

저+ 것 = 저것 = That thing over there.

What’s that?

= 그거 뭐예요? (O)

= 그 뭐예요? (X)


이것은 차예요. - this (thing) is my car.

이것은 제 차예요 - This is my car.

그것은 우리 집이에요 - That is our house.

저것은 빵집이에요 - That (over there) is a bakery (bread house).

The 것 often gets shortened to 거, with no change in meaning.

이거 책이에요. = This is a book.

이거 카메라예요. = This is a camera.

이거 뭐예요? = What is this?


가: 이거는 커피예요?

A: Is this coffee?

나: 아니요, 콜라예요.

B: No, it’s coke.

가: 그 바지는 얼마예요?

A: How much are those pants?

나: 사만 원이에요.

B: They are 40,000 won.

가: 저 사람은 누구예요?

A: Who is that over there?

나: 우리 반 친구예요.

B: He is my classmate. (반 means class)



1). This is my mom.

  • 엄마 - mom

  • 어머니 - mother

2). This person is my mom.

  • 사람 - person

3). That building is a library.

  • 빌딩 - building

  • 도서관 - library

4). That is scary.

  • 무섭다

5). That bag (over there) is cute.

  • 가방 - bag

  • 귀엽다 - to be cute

6). That (over there) is cute.


4). 그것은 무서워요.

2). 이 사람은 우리 엄마예요.

5). 저 가방이 귀여워요.

1). 이것은 우리 엄마예요.

3). 그 빌딩은 도서관이에요.

6). 저것이 귀여워요.


여기까지예요. That's all for this post! If you scroll a little bit down, you'll see similar posts that I think you would enjoy.


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