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Writer's pictureVaibhavi

Korean Folk Tale for Reading Practice | 황금알을 낳는 거위

Updated: Mar 4

안녕하세요! Vaibhavi입니다. Today you'll be introduced to a very intersting Korean folk tale about a goose.

황금알을 낳는 거위 - The Goose That Laid Golden Eggs

옛날에 사냥꾼이 살고 있었다.

Once upon a time there lived a hunter.

그는 매일 밤 잠들기 전에 눈을 꼭 감고 두 손 모아 기도했다.

.He closed his eyes tightly and prayed with his hands together before going to bed every night.

“더 많은 일감을 주세요.”

"Give me more work."

어느 날, 여느 때처럼 사냥을 나간 남자 주변에 새하얀 거위 한 마리가 어슬렁거렸다.

One day, as usual, a white goose sauntered around the man who went hunting.

남자가 사냥하기 위해 가까이서 살펴보니 거위 주변에 황금알 몇 알이 떨어져 있었다.

The man looked closely to hunt and found several golden eggs around the goose.

‘황금알을 낳는 거위라니...!’

"A goose that lays golden eggs..."

사냥꾼은 황금알을 팔아 떼돈을 벌어 흥청망청 쓰기 시작했다.

The hunter began to make a fortune by selling golden eggs.

남자는 더는 사냥하지 않았다.

The man didn't hunt anymore.

음식을 잔뜩 먹고 술을 퍼마시다가 돈이 떨어질 만하면 거위가 또 황금알을 낳았다.

While eating a lot of food and scooping alcohol, the goose laid another golden egg when money ran out.

씀씀이는 점점 커졌고 마침내 거위가 알을 낳으려면 아직 시간이 남았는데 돈이 다

떨어지고 말았다.

The spending got bigger and bigger, and there was still time before the goose finally laid its eggs, but it ran out of money.

초조한 사냥꾼은 거위가 알을 낳을 때까지 기다리는 게 너무 힘들었다.

It was so hard for the anxious hunter to wait for the goose to lay its eggs.

‘'알을 낳기까지 1주일이 남았으니까 지금쯤이면 뱃속에 황금알이 잔뜩 들어있겠지?''

"You have a week left before you lay your eggs, so you'll have a lot of golden eggs in your stomach by now, right?"

배를 살짝 갈라서 알만 꺼내고 다시 꿰매줘야겠다.

I'll cut the boat slightly, take out the eggs, and sew it again.

욕심에 눈이 먼 남자는 거위의 배를 갈랐다.

The man, blinded by greed, split the goose's belly.

그러나 뱃속에는 다른 평범한 거위들처럼 피와 살 뿐이었다.

But like other normal geese, there was only blood and life in the stomach.


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