안녕하세요! It's Koreanstudyjunkie. I made this post for my Instagram back when it was pride month, so I decided to also post it on my blog so that more people might find it.
[DISCLAIMER] I was hesitant to re-post this here, because even when I made this post on my Instagram there were some very negative, disrespectful, and disgusting comments left - I deleted them and block those people of course. I lost hundreds of followers too, but I'm totally fine with that. Even If you don't support lgbtq+ community, please don't leave any negative comments. Just simply don't look at the post if you don't want to - They are just words, It's okay lol.
프라이드 - Pride
엘지비티 - LGBT
성소수사자 - LGBTQ+
동성 - same sex
동성애 - homosexuality
이성애자 - heterosexual
동성애자 - homosexual
성지향성 - sexual orientation
여성 동성애자 / 레즈비언 - lesbian
남성 동성애자 / 게이 - gay
성전환자 / 트랜스젠더 프라이드 - Pride
엘지비티 *- LGBT
성소수사자 - LGBTQ+
동성 - same sex
동성애 - homosexuality
이성애자 - heterosexual
동성애자 - homosexual
성지향성 - sexual orientation
여성 동성애자 / 레즈비언 - lesbian
남성 동성애자 / 게이 - gay
성전환자 / 트랜스젠더 - transgender
양성애자 / 바이섹슈얼 - bisexual
양성애 - bisexuality
범성애자 / 팬섹슈얼 - pansexual
범성애 - pansexuality
무성애자 - asexual
무성애 - asexuality
성소수자 / 퀴어 - queer
동성결혼 - same sex marraige
커밍아웃을 하다 - to come out
동성애자임을 밝히다 - to come out
동성애 혐오 - homophobia
동성애 혐오자 - homophobe
성정체성 - gender identity
생물학적 성 - biological sex
성별 - gender
논바이너리 - nonbinary
에이젠더 - agender
젠더플루이드 - gender fluid
성전환자 / 트랜스젠더 - transgender
*트랜스젠더 is a better translation for
transgender, because 성전환자 means ‘sex change patient’
성전환 수술 - sex reassignment surgery
전한중 - transitioning
트랜스맨 - trans man
트랜스우먼 - trans woman
간성/인터섹스 - Intersex
양성적/ 앤드로지너스 - androgynous
시스젠더 - cisgender
무지개기 - rainbow flag
성소수자 커뮤니티 - LGBTQ+ community
성소수자 권리 - lgbtq rights
차별 - discrimination
성지향성 뭐예요?
What is your sexual orientation?
Are you LGBT?
저는/나는 _____입니다/이에요/야
I am “sexual orientation”.
I simply wanted to post a vocabulary list for people that have been asking me for it, so here you are!
If you enjoyed this leave a like on this blog post and maybe a nice comment below~