I put together 30 common verbs in Korean. If you're a beginner I'd recommend learning as many of the most common korean verbs as you can 😉 If you are looking for a longer list with more words, you can look here! I also have lists of common nouns, adjectives, and verbs there as well.
You only need to know around 3-4,000 korean words to speak and understand most of the language. I definitely don't know tens of thousands of words, but I can still understand most of what I hear and read.
I recommend searching for GoBilly's video on youtube on how many words you need to know in Korean👍
지다 - to become
걱정하다 - to worry
대답하다 - to answer
들어오다 - to enter
물어보다 - to ask
사용하다 - to use
연습하다 - to practice
주문하다 - to order
기억하다/기억나다- to remember
벗다 - to remove, undress, take off (clothes)
꿈꾸다 - to dream (of)
다녀오다 - to go and get back
닫다 - to close
떨어지다 - to fall, to drop; to fail; to run out
미치다 - to go crazy
믿다 - to trust, believe
받다 - to get, to take, to receive
생각하다 - to think
설명하다 - to explain
웃다 - to laugh, to smile
이해하다 - to understand
잃어버리다 - to lose something (an object)
즐기다 - to enjoy, to have fun
청소하다 - to clean
취소하다 - to cancel
태어나다 - to be born
포기하다 - to give up
씻다 - to wash
바꾸다 - to change, to switch
기다리다 - to wait
달리다 - to run
보다 - to see, watch
운동하다 - to exercise
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