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5 Korean Idioms that you can use in everyday

Writer's picture: KSJ 쌤KSJ 쌤

안녕하세요 리더님! I'm Koreanstudyjunkie. Today, I have a list of Korean idioms that will be really useful in everyday life.

1). 드는 정은 몰라도 나는 정은 안다

Literal Translation: You don't know what you think, but I know what you think.

Meaning: You don't know what you've got till it's gone.

Example Sentences:

드는 정은 몰라도 나는 정은 안다고 친했던 친구가 마음에 안 들기 시작하니까 계속 안 좋은 모습만 보여.

I don't know about you, but I don't like my close friend who knows you, so I keep showing bad looks.

2). 음식이 상하다

Literal Translation: the food is spoiled.

Meaning: the food goes off; the food goes bad

Example Sentences:

남은 라자냐를 먹으려고 했는데 상해 있었다.

I went to eat the leftover lasagna but found it had gone off.

음식을 밤새 밖에 놓아두면 보나마나 상한다.

If you leave food out overnight, it is sure to go bad.

3). 쥐뿔도 모르다

Literal Translation: one doesn't even know a rat's horn.

Meaning: know nothing (about sb/sth); not have the foggiest idea (about sb/sth); not know the first thing (about sb/sth)


쥐뿔도 모르면 가만있어!

Shut up if you know nothing!

4). 아귀가 맞다

Literal Translation: the anglerfish fits.

Meaning: make sense; be reasonable / (계획한 일이) go [run] like clockwork; fit together; match

Example Sentences:

그의 해명은 아귀가 안 맞는다.

His excuses don't make sense.

모든 일이 계획대로 아귀가 맞게 착착 진행되었다.

Everything was going like clockwork.

5). 가랑이가 찢어지다

Literal Translation: to have one's crotch torn.


1). be in grinding poverty; be as poor as a church mouse; be pinched with poverty; be hard up


그는 어렸을 때 집이 가랑이가 찢어지게 가난했다.

When he was young, his family were in grinding poverty.


2). ruin oneself by trying to ape one's betters


뱁새가 황새 따라가다간 가랑이 찢어져.

You may ruin yourself by trying to ape your betters.


That's all for this one!

Check out the related posts below for more Idioms.

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