Hello all! 여러분 안녕❣️
In last week’s post, I introduced you to three different strategies you can use to implement your favorite K-pop songs into your Korean learning routine. We talked about learning Hangeul with songs, as well as two strategies to enforce your vocabulary and expression range.
As you might remember from previous posts of mine, motivation is key when studying a language. Therefore, singing your current fav song while learning will keep you engaged and will provide you with a sense of attainment once you’ve learned some new vocabulary and expressions!
Therefore, singing your current fav song while learning will keep you engaged
By the way: I loved reading your comments and finding out about which words and expressions you learned through Korean Music. It really shows what an impact K-pop can have in your learning process.
➜So, want to know 3 new techniques to learn Korean with your Spotify’s “on repeat” playlist? Keep on reading! You can learn more than 10 expressions just today using these tips.

4) Journal it!
📓If you’re a diary addict like me or you keep a bullet journal, you can combine your two hobbies in this genius way. You'll be twice as motivated to do it!
You can write the lyrics down and note down the translation for words or phrases which seem relevant to you. Once you have the translation part done, feel free to write your own sentences with the expressions to internalise the content.
If you like journaling, make it pretty and decorate it to get that extra kick of motivation. Use colours and stickers that remind you of the lyrics to the song: that visual element can help vocabulary to stick!✂️ You can even have a separate journal just for this purpose: it can become your very own K-pop dictionary, in a way.

This is an example from my diary’s lyrics section. Although it’s incomplete, you can see the basics of it*. I copy the lyrics down and then highlight the words that stood out to me. Then, I write the translation next to it.
*This page was done almost a year ago so there are some mistakes: it exemplifies the technique but I am more precise with my translation now. It's great to see some progress in any case!
Any idea what the song is?

5) Make flashcards
Yes, I know it can seem a bit overboard, but the flashcard making process itself helps when consolidating vocabulary and grammar points: remember, repetition is always key.
You don’t need to include ALL the words in the song, just those which are repeated or seem key words to you. Go grab your favourite index cards, or use software like Quizlet (my fav) or Anki and get to it! If you don’t have any of these, a stack of post-its can work just as well.
Remember that it is good to include complete expressions rather than just single words. Also, avoid writing the words just as they look in the song lyrics. Try to write verbs in their dictionary form and nouns without no particles!
🔖Once your deck is done, you can use it before and after listening to the song, for example. That’s one good way to see the expressions you’re working on in context.
I became obsessed with APINK’s Dumhdurum when it first came out and created this short Quizlet deck to practice the vocabulary. Check it out!

6) Get moving: play charades with it!
If you like dancing or feel that you are a kinaesthetic (body) learner, go ahead and link words with movements. Connecting meaning and movement is also an essential part of learning: I used charades and choreographies with my students when I taught English, and they are super effective.
💃🏾This works particularly well for Korean expressions related with movement and action (for obvious reasons). In fact, some Kpop choreos are actually based on their lyrics, so you can do the same thing to help you remember the words! It’s not necessary to create a choreography from scratch: just think of a simple movement for that line or word in the song.
GFRIEND’s choreos, for example, are known not only for their clockwork precision, but
also for the way their movements match the lyrics.
A little exercise for you: watch this performance of Glass Bead and try to match the expressions in the lyrics to their movements. I found over 10 correspondences easily! Let me know your guesses in the comments.
💭Have you tried any of these methods before? Which one do you think would work best for you? Leave a comment below!
That's all for now everyone! BUT this series isn't done here. From now on, I'll be posting a weekly breakdown of a single K-pop song and all the items it can help you learn.
Of course, I will be using my strategies in the posts, so you'll be able to see how to really put them into practice. Make sure to tune in: you'll be able to get loads of free material📄 to work with the song!
다음 주에 만나자!
Love, Isa🌻
You can follow me at @busca_books on IG
(Disclaimer: there are always exceptions and nuances to language which you’ll have to double check while you’re studying).
I like journaling the lyrics and highlighting words that I don’t know the meaning of 👍
I love learning kpop songs choreographies but I would never think that I can actually practice my Korean skills with it. Maybe I should try learning a Gfriend choreography next time.🤔