안녕 친구들~ It's Koreanstudyjunkie! I have a list of autumn/fall Korean vocabulary words and phrases. My favorite season is finally here!
AUTUMN FALL weather/nature:
Autumnal equinox = 추분
to be warm = 따뜻하다
to be chilly = 쌀쌀하다
to be cool = 시원하다
Fallen leaves = 낙엽
Brown = 갈색
Yellow = 노란색
Orange = 주황색
Red = 빨간색
Pine cone = 솔방울
Candy = 사탕
to carve a pumpkin = 호박을 조각하다
Lollipop = 막대사탕
Candy corn = 캔디 콘
Chocolate = 초콜릿
Cinnamon = 계피
Cookies = 쿠키
Costume = 분장
Decoration = 장식품
Ghost = 귀신
Halloween = 할러윈
Horror movie = 공포영화
Pumpkin = 호박
Jack-o-lantern = 호박초롱
Skeleton = 뼈대
Spider = 거미
Zombie = 좀비
Vampire = 뱀파이어
Witch = 마녀
Sweater = 스웨터
to trick-or-treat = trick or treat 놀이를 하다
to be scary / scared = 무섭다
to dress up = 변장을 하다
AUTUMN foods & traditions:
Chuseok = 추석 (korean thanksgiving)
Thanksgiving = 추수감사절
> refers to American Thanksgiving
Pumpkin pie = 호박 파이
Pumpkin spice latte = 펌킨 스파이스 라떼
Apple cider = 사과 사이다
Apple pie = 애플파이
Turkey = 칠면조
Family = 가족
to be thankful = 고마움을 느끼다
to bake = 굽다
to pick apples = 사과를 따다
Fireplace = 벽난로
Blanket = 담요
Candle = 양초
That's it for this post! This was a bit shorter than I wanted, but I think we covered all the most "essential" words. If you are serious about increasing your vocabulary game in Korean then check here!