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Writer's pictureVaibhavi

Language in Metaphor: Korean Proverbs and Their Meanings

안녕하세요 여러분! I am Vaibhavi. Korean proverbs are more than simply words; they contain generations' worth of knowledge and cultural nuances. In this blog, we'll look at 20 fascinating Korean proverbs, understanding their meanings and presenting examples of their practical use in everyday interactions.

1. "고생 끝에 낙이 온다"

Translation: "After hardship comes happiness."

Explanation: This proverb emphasizes the idea that perseverance and hard work will eventually lead to positive outcomes. It's a reminder to stay resilient during challenging times.

Example Conversation:

A: "I've been studying for this exam day and night."

B: "Don't worry, 고생 끝에 낙이 온다. You'll succeed!"

2. "개구리 올챙이 적 생각 못한다"

Translation: "A frog in a well cannot conceive of the ocean."

Explanation: This proverb warns against narrow-mindedness and encourages open-mindedness. The "well" symbolizes limited perspectives, while the "ocean" represents vast possibilities.

Example Conversation:

A: "I don't think I need to travel abroad. Everything I need is here."

B: "Remember, 개구리 올챙이 적 생각 못한다. Experiencing new cultures can broaden your horizons."

3. "눈에 사랑이 들어간다"

Translation: "Love enters through the eyes."

Explanation: This proverb suggests that physical attraction often plays a significant role in romantic relationships.

Example Conversation:

A: "I don't know why I like him so much."

B: "Well, 눈에 사랑이 들어간다. Sometimes, attraction starts with the eyes."

4. "입이 벚꽃처럼 피었습니다"

Translation: "Her mouth bloomed like cherry blossoms."

Explanation: This poetic expression describes someone's eloquence or beautiful way of speaking.

Example Conversation:

A: "Did you hear her speech? It was amazing!"

B: "Yes, 입이 벚꽃처럼 피었습니다. She has a way with words."

5. "콩 심은 데 콩 나고 팥 심은 데 팥 난다"

Translation: "You reap what you sow."

Explanation: This proverb conveys the idea that one will face the consequences of their actions, whether positive or negative.

Example Conversation:

A: "I worked hard, and now I have a successful business."

B: "콩 심은 데 콩 나고 팥 심은 데 팥 난다. Your efforts paid off."

6. "가는 말이 고와야 오는 말이 곱다"

Translation: "Speak good words if you want to hear good words."

Explanation: Encourages the practice of kindness and positive communication.

Example Conversation:

A: "I can't believe she said that to me."

B: "가는 말이 고와야 오는 말이 곱다. Try responding with kindness."

7. "물 만난 물레방아"

Translation: "A water wheel that meets water."

Explanation: Describes a situation where things work out smoothly, like a water wheel in contact with water.

Example Conversation:

A: "The project is going well."

B: "물 만난 물레방아. Everything is falling into place."

8. "배보다 배꼽이 크다"

Translation: "The belly button is bigger than the belly."

Explanation: Indicates a situation where secondary or insignificant matters become more prominent than the main issue.

Example Conversation:

A: "We spent so much time discussing the decorations; we forgot about the main event!"

B: "배보다 배꼽이 크다. Let's focus on what's important."

9. "벼랑 끝에 몰린다"

Translation: "Driven to the edge of a cliff."

Explanation: Describes a situation where someone is pushed to their limits or faces a crisis.

Example Conversation:

A: "I have too much work to do!"

B: "벼랑 끝에 몰린다. Take a break and prioritize."

10. "새 발의 피"

Translation: "Blood on a new pair of shoes."

Explanation: Represents a situation where something beautiful or new is tarnished or spoiled.

Example Conversation:

A: "I spilled coffee on my brand-new shirt!"

B: "새 발의 피. It happens; don't worry about it."

11. "호랑이 굴에 들어가야 호랑이 새끼를 잡는다"

Translation: "To catch a tiger cub, you must enter the tiger's den."

Explanation: Encourages taking risks or facing challenges to achieve significant goals.

Example Conversation:

A: "I'm nervous about starting my own business."

B: "호랑이 굴에 들어가야 호랑이 새끼를 잡는다. Embrace the challenge!"

12. "말보다는 실천"

Translation: "Actions speak louder than words."

Explanation: Emphasizes the importance of practical deeds over mere promises or talk.

Example Conversation:

A: "I promise I'll help you with the project."

B: "말보다는 실천. Show me through your actions."

13. "동문서답"

Translation: "Giving an answer like reading a Chinese poem to a Korean question."

Explanation: Describes a response that is irrelevant or off-topic.

Example Conversation:

A: "Why didn't you finish your homework?"

B: "The weather is nice today." A: "Stop with the 동문서답. Just answer the question!"

14. "오늘 나면 내일 나겠다"

Translation: "If you do it today, you'll get it tomorrow."

Explanation: Encourages immediate action for future success.

Example Conversation:

A: "I'll start exercising next month."

B: "오늘 나면 내일 나겠다. Start now, don't procrastinate."

15. "웃는 얼굴에 침 뱉지 마라"

Translation: "Don't spit on a smiling face."

Explanation: Advises against mistreating or disrespecting someone who is kind or cheerful.

Example Conversation:

A: "Why did you criticize her when she was being so friendly?"

B: "웃는 얼굴에 침 뱉지 마라. Be grateful for kindness."

16. "콩 심은 데 콩 나고 감 심은 데 감 난다"

Translation: "You get beans when you plant beans, and you get persimmons when you plant persimmons."

Explanation: Reinforces the principle of cause and effect, emphasizing the predictability of outcomes.

Example Conversation:

A: "Why did I fail the test?"

B: "콩 심은 데 콩 나고 감 심은 데 감 난다. Did you study enough?"

17. "티끌 모아 태산"

Translation: "Gathering dust forms a mountain."

Explanation: Highlights the cumulative impact of small efforts over time.

Example Conversation:

A: "I don't think my small contributions matter."

B: "티끌 모아 태산. Every little bit counts."

18. "말이 씨앗이다"

Translation: "Words are seeds."

Explanation: Suggests that the words we speak have the power to influence and shape outcomes.

Example Conversation:

A: "Why did you compliment him?"

B: "말이 씨앗이다. Positive words can make a difference."

19. "남의 떡이 더 커 보인다"

Translation: "Another's rice cake looks bigger."

Explanation: Reflects the tendency to perceive others' situations as more favorable or successful.

Example Conversation:

A: "I wish I had their job; it seems so easy."

B: "남의 떡이 더 커 보인다. Focus on your strengths."

20. "발 없는 말이 천 리 간다"

Translation: "Word without feet travels a thousand miles."

Explanation: Suggests that rumors or gossip can spread quickly and far, even without factual basis.

Example Conversation:

A: "Did you hear the rumor about her?"

B: "발 없는 말이 천 리 간다. Be cautious about spreading unverified information."

That's it for today's lesson.. see you soon!! Drop a heart if you enjoyed the lesson.

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