Yes, there are way more conjunctions than just ‘하지만’. Instead of spamming 하지만 or 근데, here are some other things you can use.
Full List:
그리고 나서 – And then, after that
그런데 – By the way, but, however (used for changing the topic or giving additional information)
따라서 – Therefore, accordingly
왜냐하면 – Because, the reason is (used when explaining reasons)
그렇지만 – But, however (used for contrast)
그렇지 않으면 – Otherwise
그러므로 – Therefore
또 – Also, too
그 후에, 그 뒤에 - After that
하지만 – But, however (for a contrast or disagreement)
결국 – Eventually, in the end
그래도 – Even so, still
대신에 – Instead of
그리고 – And, and then
그래서 – So, therefore
하지만 – But, however (used for contrasting)
또는 – Or (alternative)
혹은 – Or (alternative)
아니면 – Or, if not
왜냐하면 – Because, the reason is (to explain a cause)
그 외에도 – Besides, moreover
그렇다면 – If that’s the case, in that case
게다가 – Moreover, in addition
어쨌든 – Anyway, in any case
이와 같은 – As such, in this way
반면에 – On the other hand
그러니까 – So, that’s why
결국 – In the end, eventually
그럼에도 불구하고 – Nevertheless, despite that
반대로 – On the contrary
일단 – Once, first of all
아니면 – Or, if not
따라서 – So, as a result
그때 – At that time, then
그동안 – In the meantime, during that time
더구나 – Moreover, what’s more
즉 – That is to say, in other words
그러나 – However, but (formal)
어떤 경우에는 – In some cases
그와 달리 – Unlike that, in contrast
여러분이 아시다시피 – As you all know
그럼 – Then, well (colloquial)
그 외에 – Besides that, other than that
만약에 – If, in case
또한 – Also, in addition
특히 – Especially, particularly

지민: 오늘 저녁에 뭐 할 거야?
수지: 음, 오늘은 집에서 영화 볼 거야. 그런데 너는?
지민: 나는 친구들이랑 외식할 거야. 그럼 너도 나중에 합류할래?
수지: 아, 사실 내가 지금 집에 있을 거라서 너무 피곤해. 그래도 나중에 너희가 가는 곳에 따라 가볼게.
지민: 그렇다면 먼저 식사하고 연락할게. 만약에 시간이 괜찮으면, 나중에 와.
수지: 좋아! 그럼 내가 좀 쉬고 있다가 연락할게.
English Translation:
Jimin: What are you doing for dinner tonight?
Suji: Hmm, I’m going to watch a movie at home. But what about you?
Jimin: I’m going out to eat with my friends. So do you want to join us later?
Suji: Ah, actually, I’m going to stay home because I’m really tired. But still, depending on where you guys go, I might come.
Jimin: In that case, I’ll eat first and contact you. If you have time, you can join later.
Suji: Sounds good! Then I’ll rest and contact you later.

민수: 주말에 뭐 할 거야?
영희: 사실, 그동안 바빠서 그냥 집에서 쉴 생각이야. 하지만 친구들이 같이 여행 가자고 해서 고민 중이야.
민수: 그럼 너도 같이 가면 좋겠어! 그 외에 다른 계획이 있어?
영희: 음, 여행도 좋긴 한데, 만약에 가면 많이 피곤할 것 같아서 고민이야.
민수: 어쨌든, 여행은 재미있을 거야! 그럼 언제 결정할 거야?
영희: 아마 오늘 밤에 결정할 것 같아. 그래서 그때 연락할게.
English Translation:
Minsu: What are you doing this weekend?
Younghee: Actually, I’ve been busy lately, so I was planning to just rest at home. But my friends are asking me to go on a trip, so I’m thinking about it.
Minsu: Then it would be great if you could go with us! Do you have any other plans?
Younghee: Hmm, the trip sounds good, but if I go, I think I’ll be really tired, so I’m unsure.
Minsu: Anyway, the trip will be fun! Then when will you decide?
Younghee: I’ll probably decide tonight. So I’ll contact you then.
That's the end of this post! If you enjoyed it, check out my other lessons below on the topic of conjunctions.
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