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A new president in South Korea


Hello everyone! Today we are going to talk about Yoon Seok-youl (윤석열) who is the new president of South Korea.

Yoon Seok-youl became the new president (대통령) of the Republic of Korea at the age of 61 with the very close score of 48.56% of the votes (표결) against 47.83% for the Democratic candidate Lee Jae-myung. This former conservative prosecutor (검찰관) will take office on 10 May 2022. He will be the next president for 5 years.

The last and current president is Moon Jaein (문재인) who come from the democratic (민주적) party. With political life in South Korea in the hands of both the Democratic and Conservative (보수적) parties (정당), all presidents have been in jail after their term (위임장) because of corruption.

Yoon Seok-youl would like to abolish the gender equality because he thinks women are not victims of discrimination. Mr Yoon is promising a greater supply of housing in South Korea to deal with soaring property prices faced with the country's housing crisis. Also, he will give some loan for the little shop which have had problems with the corona crisis. Finally, he would like to be firmer with North Korea and China.

That's it for today guys! BYE EVERYONE!


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