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How To Make Longer Korean Sentences | Conjunctions & Connective Adverbs

Updated: Aug 23

Welcome or welcome back to the Koreanstudyjunkie blog! I'm KoreanStudyJunkie and I’ll be showing you how to make your sentences longer by connecting them using conjunctions, connective adverbs, and connective grammar.

If you want to know how to make longer sentences using just sentence structure, check this post!

I have a link to a Quizlet set where you can study some of these words, It’s at the bottom of this post.

그리고 = and

Used in the middle of two sentences to connect them


슈퍼에서 우유를 사주세요. 그리고 계란도 사주세요.

Please buy milk from the supermarket. And please buy eggs as well.

주말에 친구를 만났어요. 그리고 같이 영화를 봤어요.

I met a friend on weekend. And we saw a movie together.

그렇지만 = 하지만 = 그러나 = however, but

Used when the content of the 1st sentence is in contrast with the 2nd sentence.- 그렇지만 has the same meaning as 하지만 and 그러나, but 하지만 is used mainly in colloquial speech, and 그러나 is used mainly in writing.


한국어는 영어와 다릅니다. 그렇지만 배우기 어렵지 않습니다.

Korean is different from English. But it is not difficult to learn.

고기를 좋아해요. 하지만 채소를 싫어요.

I like meat. But I don't like vegetables.

그래서 = so

Used when the 1st sentence is the reason or cause for the result described in the second sentence.


외국 사람입니다. 그래서 한국말을 못 합니다.

I am a foreigner, so I can't speak Korean.

그러니까 = therefore, so

Used when the 1st sentence is inevitable or natural reason for the 2nd sentence.

그러니까 is often followed by (으)세요, (으)ㅂ시다, 아/어야 하다, or (으)ㄹ 것이다


비가 와요. 그러니까 우산을 가져가세요.

It's raining. Therefore, take an umbrella with you.

자동차가 고장 났어요. 그러니까 버스를 타야 해요.

The car broke down, so we have to the bus.

그러면 = 그럼 = then

Used when the 1st sentence is the assumption behind the 2nd sentence.

그럼 is often used in colloquial speech in stead of 그러면

나는 피곤할 때 목욕을 해요. 그러면 기본이 좋아져요.

When I am tired, I take a bath. Then I feel better.

가: 점심시간이에요. 배가 고파요.

A: It's lunchtime. I am hungry.

나: 그럼 같이 식당에 가서 식사할까요?

B: Then, shall we go to a restaurant and have lunch together.

그런데 = (1) however, (2)and then, (3) by the way

-This actually has 3 usages. 1 is to contrast the 1st and 2nd sentence - translated as “however”.

우리 아버지는 키가 작아요. 그런데 저는 키가 커요.

My father is short. However I am tall.

Usage #2: When the 1st sentence provides background information for the 2nd sentence. Translated as “and then”

어제 시장에 장을 보러 갔어요. 그런데 옛 선생님을 우연히 만났어요.

I went grocery shopping at the market yesterday. And then I ended up running into my old teacher.

Usage #3: Used when the speaker switches to a new topic instead of the original discussion = by the way

가: 올해 나이가 어떻게 되세요?

나: 네? 저, 그런데 지금 몇 시예요?

A: How old are you this year?

B: Pardon? I, by the way, what time is it now?

~ㄴ/는데 = But, however, though

Similar to ~지만, this can be used to connect the two sentences into one.

For example: 어제 하루종일 잤는데 오늘 피곤해요.

Though I slept all day yesterday, I’m tired today.

~지만 Is usually used to contrast 2 sentences though. Just attach the verb stem to 지만.

제 친구는 축구를 좋아하지만 농구를 안 좋아해요

My friends like football, but they don’t like basketball.

And in Korean

“And” in Korean is commonly expressed in two ways. The first is with 그리고 while the second is with ~고

~고 = and, and then

This is one of the basic Korean conjunctions. It has a similar meaning to 그리고 and is often used to connect actions together, typically in the form of “First X, and then Y”.

For example:

저녁을 먹고 샤워할 거예요.

I’ll eat dinner and then take a shower.

그래도 = Nonetheless, even so, but still, nevertheless

Used to indicate what is stated in the 2nd sentence is true regardless of what is stated in the 1st sentence. This Korean conjunction is used to say something happens, regardless of what is said in the first sentence.

For example:

아까 운동을 열심히 했어요. 그래도 안 피곤해요.

I exercises hard a while ago. Nevertheless I am not tired.

어제 머리가 많이 아팠어요. 그래도 친구랑 놀러 갔어요.

My head hurt a lot yesterday. Even so, I went to play with a friend.

You can also use the grammar structure -는데도 in sentences like this to put it into one sentence without changing the meaning.

어제 머리가 많이 아팠는데도 친구랑 놀러 갔어요.

Even though head hurt a lot yesterday, I went to hang out with a friend.


그때 = at that time

For example:

그때 그녀를 잘 몰랐어요.

I didn’t know her well then

그 다음 = after that (you may also see it without the space, but I’ve seen both used)

You can also use 그 다음에 to mean next. (다음 = next) You’ll hear it often in videos of Korean people showing off things. Similar to up next is… or the next one..


음식을 주문하고 그 다음 차를 마실 거예요.

I will order food and then drink tea.


There are more conjunctions than this I'm sure, but these are the ones that are most common. If you learned something and like these kinds of lessons, leave a like on this blog post to let me know💜

Here's the link to my quizlet set of conjunctions!


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