안녕하세요 여러분! I'm Zoey here again~ Learning vocab is an important part of any language. Learning them in categories in my opinion would be the most efficient and easy way to go about it! Here's a list of vocab to describe your body parts with! 머리 - Head
버리가락 - Hair
얼굴 - Face
이마 - Forehead
눈썹 - Eyebrow
눈 - Eye
코 - Nose
혀 - Tongue 이빨 - Teeth
귀 - Ears
어깨 - Shoulders
팔 - Arm
팔꿈치 - Elbow
Take note of the similarity between the following two categories to help you remember better
손 - Hand
손가락 - Fingers
손톱 - Nail
손목 - Wrist
발 - Foot
발가락 - Toes
발톱 - Toenail
발목 - Ankle
다리 - Legs
무릎 - Knees
위 - Stomach
배 - Belly
뱃살 - Belly Fat (Belly(ㅅ is added as an ' of ') + fat)
백꼽 - Belly Button
목 - Neck
턱 - Chin
뛰꿈치 - Heel
가슴 - Chest
엉덩이 - Hip
입 - Mouth
Now that you know the vocab for body parts here's a fun video that I'm sure was in many of our early childhood years. And it's even more fun because now it's in Korean! Try and see if you can identify the words you just learnt.
Hope these lists were helpful my lovelies. Basic Korean vocab is really important and now you know how to describe all your body parts!